Sponsored session - Action across all pillars: Experiences in HPV vaccine and cervical cancer screening and treatment

Sponsored session - Action across all pillars: Experiences in HPV vaccine and cervical cancer screening and treatment

Room 9 (level +2)
Sponsored session


Session organised by Jhpiego

Chaired by Smiljka de Lussigny, Unitaid (Switzerland)


1. Action speaks: Jhpiego’s innovations and approaches cross the globe - Parag Bhamare, Jhpiego (United States)

2. Latest technologies in HPV diseases and vaccine monitoring through urine sampling - Alex Vorsters, University of Antwerp (Belgium)

3. Implementation and scale-up of “HPV Plus” an integrated package for adolescents in Tanzania - Salim Nassir Slim, Zanzibar Ministry of Health (Tanzania, United Republic of)

4. Policy to action: Program advancements to eliminate cervical cancer in Mozambique - Sheila Tualufo, Ministry of Health (Mozambique)

1. Prevention, screening and early detection
Jhpiego is committed to advancing cervical cancer elimination through integrating primary and secondary prevention and treatment using a cross-disciplinary, life-course approach. We value partnership and collaboration and are honored to bring this panel together to showcase the progress and impact in cervical cancer elimination across countries and organizations.This session provides practical field-based lessons across the breadth of cervical cancer elimination actions. The session makes use of experiences of Jhpiego, the Johns Hopkins University affiliate, which works in over ten countries with global and national partners on both HPV vaccination and on screening and treatment efforts; University of Antwerp, a pioneer in advancing HPV research and diagnostics; and successful implementation examples from countries across the world.By the end of this session, participants will: Gain a deeper understanding of the latest innovations and technologies to prevent and treat cervical cancer; Articulate practical lessons learned including challenges and success when implementing cervical cancer elimination programs;Make meaningful connections to advance the 90/70/90 cervical cancer elimination targets.
JhpiegoCancer Awareness Campaigns: Jhpiego work in country programs to conduct community outreach and education campaigns for cervical cancer prevention. The awareness campaigns are targeted to women in the catchment areas where VIA and Cryotherapy services have been set up. Advocacy and awareness campaigns have been conducted in Ghana (in collaboration with Rotary Club), Malawi, Philippines, Thailand, Guyana, etc. Jhpiego also participates in and receives funding support from the Tour of Hope, which raises funds for education and healthcare support for the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer in Asia. Cancer Prevention: Jhpiego provides technical assistance to countries for the introduction and expansion of cervical cancer prevention programs, with a focus on the Single Visit Approach, which combines screening with Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA), with the offer of Cryotherapy at the same visit. Jhpiego implements comprehensive prevention programs, taking into account advocacy and policies, training, service delivery, referral systems, community education, and monitoring and evaluation. Jhpiego is currently implementing programs Peru, Guyana, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand and the Philippines. Jhpiego has also implemented programs in Ghana and Malawi. Several Cancer Research & Publications. Education & Training: Jhpiego has organized and conducted three Regional VIA and Cryotherapy Clinical Training Courses; two in Asie (Thailand, Philippines) and one in Africa (Malawi). In addition, as a component of ongoing programs, Jhpiego routinely provides VIA and Cryotherapy training and follow up supervision and coaching support for health care providers Ghana, Malawi, Peru, Guyana, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand and the Philippines.

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