Closed meeting -  Bridging the gap in women’s cancers: addressing disparities and advancing solutions

Closed meeting -  Bridging the gap in women’s cancers: addressing disparities and advancing solutions

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM · 1 hr. (Europe/Zurich)
Room 2 (level -1)
Sponsored session


Session organised by AstraZeneca, World Economic Forum

Chaired by

3. Healthcare systems and policies
Hosted by the World Economic Forum’s Global Alliance for Women’s Health in collaboration with AstraZeneca*, this roundtable will highlight global disparities in women's cancers and present multi-stakeholder perspectives on translating evidence into systemic and policy action at global, regional and national levels. Together we will focus on key data and good practice examples paving the way for a solutions-oriented response to women's cancers.*This event has been funded by AstraZeneca.

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