Sponsored session - Value-based oncology: a mission to reduce cancer inequalities and improve outcomes

Sponsored session - Value-based oncology: a mission to reduce cancer inequalities and improve outcomes

Room 8 (level 0)
Sponsored session


Session organised by Pfizer

Chaired by Jennifer Young, Pfizer (United States)


1. Cancer Control Plans - Mark Lawler, Queen's University Belfast (Ireland)

2. Value-based health care transformation led by patient advocates - Eva Villalba, Quebec Cancer Coalition (Canada)

3. Healthcare systems and policies
The session will focus on the crucial topic of reducing inequalities in cancer care, with a specific emphasis on value-based oncology. It is essential that cancer control strategies are guided by data intelligence rather than opinion to effectively address these disparities. We are privileged to have two experts as speakers for this session. Eva Villalba, the Executive Director of the Quebec Cancer Coalition/Coalition Priorité Cancer, will share her valuable insights and expertise on enhancing patient care and improving health outcomes. Additionally, Professor Mark Lawler, a renowned expert in Digital Health from Queen's University Belfast and Chair of the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership (ICBP), will provide valuable perspectives on leveraging data intelligence to transform policies in the field of oncology. Their contributions will enrich the discussion and contribute to meaningful change in the field.

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