Closed event -  Stepping Up: Enhancing health systems response and partnership for breast cancer equity and accountability in Africa

Closed event -  Stepping Up: Enhancing health systems response and partnership for breast cancer equity and accountability in Africa

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 3:40 PM to 4:40 PM · 1 hr. (Europe/Zurich)
Room 1 (level -1)
Sponsored session


Session organised by Roche, AORTIC

Chaired by

3. Healthcare systems and policies
In Africa, 1 in 2 women succumb to breast cancer within five years of diagnosis. The current survival rate for breast cancer not only leads to direct socio-economic losses for African economies but also has a significant adverse impact on GDP, ranging from 0.4 to 0.7%. This impact extends further to encompass up to 2% of the GDP, considering both the index patient and the caregiver. By enhancing the standard of care within the broader context of women's health, there is a potential to save millions of dollars and provide comprehensive support to women throughout their lifetime.A strategic financial investment in breast cancer can serve as a cornerstone for all oncology care and contribute to the overall strengthening of healthcare systems. Multi-sectoral approaches have a pivotal role in catalysing collaborative efforts and bridging healthcare delivery gaps, for example, in expanding services to underserved populations and introducing innovative models of care.We invite you to join this roundtable discussion to highlight the right partnerships needed to leverage the efficiency and efficacy of the private sector and the knowledge and focus of the African clinical and civil society organisations to shape an African call to action that takes us a step closer to access to equitable and quality breast cancer services for all.

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