Forward-looking tobacco control policies in an age of political uncertainty

Forward-looking tobacco control policies in an age of political uncertainty

Plenary C (level 0)
Regular session


Session organised by Action on Smoking and Health, Cancer Research UK

Chaired by Alison Cox, NCD Alliance (Switzerland)


1. Setting up a big bang on tobacco legislation – the story behind Australia’s policy leap forwards - Megan Varlow, Cancer Council Australia (Australia)

2. Joint action towards Tobacco-Free Generation as part of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan implementation - Hanna Ollilia, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (Finland)

3. The Tobacco Endgame in LMICs: Opportunities to Change the Narrative - Mark Parascandola, National Cancer Institute - Shady Grove (United States)

4. Influencing tobacco policy through a public-facing advocacy campaign, and in the run-up to national elections - Malcolm Clark, Cancer Research UK (United Kingdom)

5. Tobacco control
Explore policy development and advocacy approaches towards the tobacco “endgame” - significantly reduced smoking rates and stopping the start of use. Without substantial action from governments, smoking will remain the leading preventable cause of cancer, with the burden disproportionately borne by disadvantaged groups and by LMIC countries. Navigating the political and policy cycle is key to implementing innovative tobacco control measures. Learn from recent experiences in a range of countries of trying to achieve, or maintain, progress at a time of national elections and political change.Participants will come away with knowledge and links to resources to advocate for tobacco endgame policies in their home countries.
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