Sponsored session – Boys, men and HPV: the case for worldwide gender-neutral vaccination

Sponsored session – Boys, men and HPV: the case for worldwide gender-neutral vaccination

Room 8 (level 0)
Sponsored session


Session organised by Global Action on Men's Health, MSD, NOMAN is and Island: Race to end HPV

Chaired by David Winterflood, NOMAN: Race to End HPV (United Kingdom)


1. The case for global gender-neutral HPV vaccination - Peter Baker, Global Action on Men's Health (United Kingdom)

2. Panel discussion - Bettina Borisch, World Federation of Public Health Associations (Switzerland)

3. Panel discussion - Tristan Almada, NOMAN is an Island: Race to End HPV (Switzerland)

4. Panel discussion - Ibtihal Fadhil, Eastern Mediterranean NCD Alliance (United Arab Emirates)

5. Panel discussion - Richard Price, Europe Cancer Organization (ECO) (Belgium)

1. Prevention, screening and early detection
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for 5% of all cancers globally, including cervical, anal, penile, vaginal, vulval, and head and neck cancers affecting both men and women. Vaccination against HPV offers the opportunity to prevent these cancers. However, current vaccination programmes in many countries, particularly in low- and middle-income regions, target girls, neglecting boys. This approach does not provide comprehensive and equitable protection for everyone. To address this gap, a Global Call for Action "Boys, Men and HPV: A Manifesto for Gender-Neutral Vaccination", will be launched at the World Cancer Congress by Global Action on Men’s Health and NOMAN is an Island: Race to End HPV. The Manifesto aims to generate awareness of the role of gender-neutral (or universal) vaccination (GNV) and advocate for a policy re-think at the global level. GNV will create more effective protection against all HPV-related cancers and reduce their global burden thereby safeguarding global health.

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