Sponsored session – 2023 Global review of national cancer control plans: implications for research, policy, and practice

Sponsored session – 2023 Global review of national cancer control plans: implications for research, policy, and practice

Room 9 (level +2)
Sponsored session


Session organised by U.S. National Cancer Institute Center for Global Health

Chaired by Mishka Kohli Cira, National Cancer Institute (United States)


1. Presentation of 2023 global review of National Cancer Control Plans findings - Yannick Romero, Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) (Switzerland)

2. National cancer control planning from the national government perspective - Suraj Perera, Ministry of Health (Sri Lanka)

3. The role of civil society to advance national cancer control planning in partnership with patients and government partners - Tata Mayaah Eveline, Humanity at Heart International (Cameroon)

4. Setting global cancer targets and measuring how they are achieved through National Cancer Control Plans - Mary Nyangasi, World Health Organization (Switzerland)

5. Advancing support for country level planning, evaluation and further research associated with implementation of evidence-informed National Cancer Control Plans - Andre Ilbawi, World Health Organization (WHO) (Switzerland)

3. Healthcare systems and policies
The aim of this session is to present the results and discuss implications for research, policy, and practice of the 2023 global review of National Cancer Control Plans (NCCPs). The session purpose is to convene a panel that includes representation from the perspective of national government (Sri Lanka), civil society (Cameroon), and UN agencies (World Health Organization) working in cancer control to discuss the relevance of these findings at the local, national and global level, and to debate how stakeholders at all levels of society can and should use these findings to advance cancer control and inform relevant research in their settings. The 2023 global review of NCCPs, conducted under the leadership of the International Cancer Control Partnership (ICCP) Technical Assistance Workgroup documents the comprehensiveness, strengths, and limitations of NCCPs from 98 countries, including stakeholder involvement in plan development, inclusion of evidence-based strategies linked to targets and metrics for evaluation, and integration of the NCCP to national health strategy priorities. Select findings from the 2023 analysis will be presented, the facilitated panel discussion will highlight experiences by multi-level stakeholders at country level in Cameroon and Sri Lanka, and the final presentation will outline efforts by the World Health Organization and its partners to advance their support for country level planning, evaluation, and further research associated with implementation of evidence-informed National Cancer Control Plans.

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