Sponsored session - Earlier, faster, better: doing more of what we know works!

Sponsored session - Earlier, faster, better: doing more of what we know works!

Room 9 (level +2)
Sponsored session


Session organised by Roche, Union for International Cancer Control

Chaired by Sonali Johnson, Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) (Switzerland)


1. Keynote - Dan Milner, Access to Oncology Medicines (UICC) (Switzerland)

2. Panel Discussion - Murallitharan Munisamy, National Cancer Society of Malaysia (Malaysia)

3. Panel Discussion - Partha Basu, IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer (France)

4. Panel Discussion - Michael Oberreiter, Roche (Switzerland)

5. Panel Discussion - Li-Ju Lin, Ministry of Health and Welfare (Taiwan)

1. Prevention, screening and early detection
Many cancers are diagnosed and treated too late, resulting in avoidable mortality and morbidity for patients (WHO), wastage of resources, increased costs of late stage care (Round et al.; Broekx et al.) and exacerbation of social disparities (UICC; NCD Alliance; Berland et al.). Accelerating and improving access to screening, early diagnosis and treatment will significantly improve patient’s health outcomes. This could be essential for curing disease, slowing disease progression and preventing co-morbidities (WHO, WHO, IARC, OECD, OECD). It can also reduce costs and increase productivity for health systems and individuals, thereby increasing health system efficiency in cancer care and control (World Bank, UICC, All.Can). Improving access to evidence-based screening, early comprehensive diagnosis, and timely treatment is essential to achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC), the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and ongoing efforts to strengthen health system resilience (WHO, WHO, PAHO, WHO Europe), which governments have committed to globally. Why, in light of such compelling evidence, does progress toward equitable access to screening, earlier diagnosis and treatment remain slow?This session will focus on the essential public health needs for transforming health systems regarding screening, early diagnosis and treatment, it will emphasise the role of innovation, showcase best practices and highlight policy implications. The session will begin with a keynote address, followed by a panel discussion featuring representatives from the civil society, the innovation sector, public health, and health policy.

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