Sponsored session - Mission Early: what 'Lavender Zones' can teach us about improving early cancer care for all

Sponsored session - Mission Early: what 'Lavender Zones' can teach us about improving early cancer care for all

Room 8 (level 0)
Sponsored session


Session organised by Early Cancer Initiative

Chaired by Eduardo Pisani, All.Can (Belgium)


1. Panel discussion - Antonella Cardone, Cancer Patients Europe (Belgium)

2. Panel discussion - David Crosby, Cancer Research UK (United Kingdom)

3. Panel discussion - John Russell, American Cancer Society (United States)

4. Panel discussion - Marianna Cavazza, SDA Bocconi University (CERGAS) (Italy)

5. Panel discussion - Natalia Oprea, SDA Bocconi University (CERGAS) (Italy)

1. Prevention, screening and early detection
During this session, Mission Early, an initiative championing early cancer care, will launch the findings of its new research paper titled ‘Lavender Zones’ in partnership with Bocconi University’s Centre for Research on Health and Social Care.The Lavender Zones research paper has created a measurement framework for policy conduciveness to early cancer care across OECD countries. For the purposes of this research, early cancer care has been understood as access to early diagnosis (screening and timely diagnosis) and early treatment (access to early-stage treatments). During this process, best performers will be identified – so-called “Lavender Zones”, with recommendations generated on how these best practices can be replicated elsewhere.Following a brief overview of the research insights from the Bocconi University team, an interactive panel discussion on how these policy recommendations can be implemented will ensue. Audience members should leave the session understanding existing inequalities in early cancer care and with a firmer grasp on what policies are needed to improve access in their respective countries/regions.

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