Sponsored session - Transparency along the pharmaceutical value chain – Informed price negotiations for access and affordability of medicines

Sponsored session - Transparency along the pharmaceutical value chain – Informed price negotiations for access and affordability of medicines

Plenary B (level 0)
Sponsored session


Session organised by Dutch Cancer Society (KWF), Dutch Cancer Society (KWF), Norwegian Cancer Society, European Fair Pricing Network, Norwegian Cancer Society

Chaired by Guy Muller, KWF Kankerbestrijding (Netherlands)


1. “The Spanish case ” Making public the prices of medicines - Jaime Manzano, Salud Por Derecho (Spain)

2. EFPN research showcase: European trends in transparency of price negotiations and managed entry agreements - Wim Van Harten, The Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) (Netherlands)

3. Zooming in and zooming out: “Transparency in the pharmaceutical sector”. What can we learn and expect from the Spanish Case? Where is transparency needed most? - Iga Lipska, Health Policy Institute (HPI) (Poland)

4. Launch of the EFPN 2.0 : “Research framework and lobbywork” - Ingrid Stenstadvold Ross, Norwegian Cancer Society and Chair EFPN (Norway)

2. Cancer research and progress
The rapidly increasing prices of new cancer medicines create barriers for patients’ access to these treatments and challenge the sustainability of healthcare systems. Transparency of pharmaceutical prices throughout the pharmaceutical value chain have been a topic of intense debate recent years. Notably, significant differences exist between publicly available list prices and actual prices. Additionally, the costs associated with research and development (R&D) remain widely unknown to society.In this session, we want to move forward and inspire our audience by presenting new evidence around transparency along the pharmaceutical value chain.The purpose of this session is to inspire and deliver the latest know-how on how to create a transparent pharmaceutical ecosystem with concrete tips. Further, we want to strengthen capacities in the international transparency debate. With this session we intend to share our knowledge, strengthen coalitions and foster new partnerships in this field. That is why there will be ample opportunity for participants to interact in Q&A sessions.

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