Sponsored session - Navigating early detection disparities: A hope for women everywhere

Sponsored session - Navigating early detection disparities: A hope for women everywhere

Room 8 (level 0)
Sponsored session


Session organised by UE LifeSciences

Chaired by Ari Brooks, UE LifeSciences (United States)


1. Pannel discussion - Maimah Karmo, Tigerlily Foundation (United States)

2. Pannel discussion - Murallitharan Munisamy, National Cancer Society of Malaysia (Malaysia)

3. Pannel discussion - Arnold Baskies, American Cancer Society (United States)

4. Pannel discussion - Jyoti Patel, Tata Memorial Hospital (India)

1. Prevention, screening and early detection
The Why: Breast cancer is the most common cancer globally and the leading cause for a cancer related death amongst women – from east to west. While breast cancer is highly treatable when diagnosed early, the reality is that the vast majority of women do not get access to inclusive, effective and affordable means to early detection. For example, mammograms are nearly impossible to scale in LMIC, where-as in HIC, women with dense breasts and women younger than age 40, are at a significant disadvantage in ensuring that their cancer is diagnosed early.The What: This session promises to hold an honest and vibrant discussion with on-ground stakeholders that are addressing, solving and re-writing cancer as a burden for us all. The session will shed light on path breaking interventions that are navigating the arcane challenges by leveraging evidence-based, scale-driven innovations (iBreastExam, Selfi) that are bridging the chasms to the much-needed access and inclusion in cancer care.The Who: Early detection is a broad-scale win-win for women, policy makers, payers and providers as well as pharma, biotech and med-tech companies.

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