Sponsored session - Gaza's cancer patients: navigating the dual struggle of illness and war

Sponsored session - Gaza's cancer patients: navigating the dual struggle of illness and war

Room 9 (level +2)
Sponsored session


Session organised by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, SHE Center

Chaired by Navid Madani, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (United States)


1. Keynote - HRH Princess Dina Mired, Immediate Past President, Union for International Cancer Control (Jordan)

2. Keynote - Mads Gilbert, University Hospital of North Norway (Norway)

3. Keynote - Ru'a Rimawi, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (United States)

4. Keynote - Leslie Lehmann,, Boston Children's Hospital/ Dana Farber Cancer Institute (United States)

5. Keynote - Sobhi Skaik, Turkish Hospital / Gaza Cancer Centre (Palestine, State of)

6. Keynote - Reem Al-Ajlouni, King Hussein Cancer Foundation (Jordan)

3. Healthcare systems and policies
Our session perfectly aligns with the symposium’s premise, as our objective is to shed light on the concerning burden of cancer in the war zone with a focus on Gaza, therefore galvanising efforts to mitigate solutions for cancer treatment during wars.  It is crucial to understand the sociocultural and psychosocial factors that affect patients’ health and treatment during conflicts, and we intend to present innovative solutions to overcome these challenges. While our hope in this specific situation is for an immediate cease-fire, this session will still offer opportunities to identify strategies to decrease cancer burden in Gaza and clarify the territory’s needs for future health infrastructure when new facilities are built to replace those that were destroyed or damaged by the war.

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