Closed meeting -  Building consensus and advocacy for HCC care improvement

Closed meeting -  Building consensus and advocacy for HCC care improvement

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 9:40 AM to 10:40 AM · 1 hr. (Europe/Zurich)
Room 2 (level -1)
Sponsored session


Session organised by AstraZeneca

Chaired by

3. Healthcare systems and policies
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type of primary liver cancer. HCC is highly fatal and is often diagnosed late. We believe it is essential to raise the level of awareness and understanding among patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, policymakers and the public about the impact of HCC and opportunities to reform patient care.  The meeting will be an opportunity to learn about the principles of the first HCC patient charter, co-created with the clinical and patient advocate community, and will play a key role in helping to shape the key policy and advocacy recommendations aimed at addressing these needs.These efforts will then culminate in the development of a HCC case for change.This non-promotional meeting is organised and funded by AstraZeneca and will bring together those with an interest in supporting patients with HCC, including policy makers, advocacy groups and members of the clinical community.

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