Sponsored session - “Seizing the moment” – A working session on advancing tobacco control in global health and sustainable development processes - BY INVITATION ONLY

Sponsored session - “Seizing the moment” – A working session on advancing tobacco control in global health and sustainable development processes - BY INVITATION ONLY

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 9:40 AM to 10:40 AM · 1 hr. (Europe/Zurich)
Room 9 (level +2)
Sponsored session


Session organised by Cancer Research UK

Chaired by Alex Wright, Cancer Research UK Head Office (United Kingdom)


1. Panellist input - Alison Cox, NCD Alliance (Switzerland)

2. Panellist input - Leslie Rae Ferat, Global Alliance for Tobacco Control (Canada)

3. Panellist input - Yannick Romero, Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) (Switzerland)

5. Tobacco control
Over the next 18 months the global health and development calendar will present significant opportunities to raise the salience of tobacco control in global and national policy. These opportunities include the NCD Alliance Global Forum, World Conference on Tobacco or Health, UN High-Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases, and COP11.   This interactive working session hosted by Cancer Research UK, in partnership with UICC, the Global Alliance for Tobacco Control, and NCD Alliance, aims to share information and insights into these opportunities to promote and raise the profile of tobacco control in key global health & sustainable development policy processes between now and the end of 2025; to develop main messages and calls to action; and to create a roadmap for engagement and collective action.   Objectives: - Share information and insights on key opportunities for global policy influence - Discuss common objectives for the tobacco control community for each opportunity.  - Discuss key arguments and positions that might be deployed  - Co-develop an outline road map for collective action.   Please note that attendance at this session is by invitation only.

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